Package-level declarations


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data class NavBarModel(@StringRes val title: Int, val selectedIcon: ImageVector, val unSelectedIcon: ImageVector? = null, val route: String = "", val isVisible: Boolean = true)
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data class NavDrawer(@StringRes val title: Int, @DrawableRes val selectedIcon: Int, @DrawableRes val unSelectedIcon: Int? = null, val route: String = "", @StringRes val link: Int? = null)


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fun RowScope.AddItem(screen: NavBarModel, currentDestination: NavDestination?, index: Int, navController: NavHostController)
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@Preview(showBackground = true)
fun HomeScreenPreview()
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fun MainScreen(modifier: Modifier = Modifier, navController: NavHostController = rememberNavController(), communicatorViewModel: MainViewModel = hiltViewModel())
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fun NavBar(modifier: Modifier = Modifier, navController: NavHostController, isSearchBarActive: Boolean = false, isChatScreenVisible: Boolean)
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fun NavDrawer(modifier: Modifier = Modifier, navController: NavHostController, closeAction: () -> Unit)
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suspend fun setDrawerState(drawerState: DrawerState, value: DrawerValue)