
class MainViewModel @Inject constructor(conf: RemoteConfigHelper, pref: SharedPreferences, authUseCases: AuthUseCases, attendanceDao: AttendanceDao, scope: CoroutineScope) : ViewModel


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constructor(conf: RemoteConfigHelper, pref: SharedPreferences, authUseCases: AuthUseCases, attendanceDao: AttendanceDao, scope: CoroutineScope)


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data class AppNotificationEnable(val notice: Boolean = true, val event: Boolean = true, val app: Boolean = true)
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interface ChatsEvent
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interface SharedEvents


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var action: () -> Unit
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open fun addCloseable(closeable: AutoCloseable)
fun addCloseable(key: String, closeable: AutoCloseable)
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fun checkTime(): Job
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fun deleteUser(action: suspend () -> Unit): Job
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fun fetchRemoteConfigDetails(action: (dao: AttendanceDao, auth: AuthUseCases, pref: SharedPreferences, maxTime: Int, scope: CoroutineScope) -> Unit)
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