
data class HomeScreenState(val course: String = "BCA", val sem: String = "1", val currentCgpa: Cgpa = Cgpa(), val isOnlineSyllabusEnable: Boolean = false, val onlineSyllabus: Triple<List<SyllabusUIModel>, List<SyllabusUIModel>, List<SyllabusUIModel>> = Triple( emptyList(), emptyList(), emptyList() ), val offTheory: StateFlow<PagingData<SyllabusUIModel>> = MutableStateFlow(PagingData.empty()), val offLab: StateFlow<PagingData<SyllabusUIModel>> = MutableStateFlow(PagingData.empty()), val offPractical: StateFlow<PagingData<SyllabusUIModel>> = MutableStateFlow(PagingData.empty()), val holiday: List<Holiday> = emptyList(), val events: StateFlow<List<EventModel>> = MutableStateFlow(emptyList()))


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constructor(course: String = "BCA", sem: String = "1", currentCgpa: Cgpa = Cgpa(), isOnlineSyllabusEnable: Boolean = false, onlineSyllabus: Triple<List<SyllabusUIModel>, List<SyllabusUIModel>, List<SyllabusUIModel>> = Triple( emptyList(), emptyList(), emptyList() ), offTheory: StateFlow<PagingData<SyllabusUIModel>> = MutableStateFlow(PagingData.empty()), offLab: StateFlow<PagingData<SyllabusUIModel>> = MutableStateFlow(PagingData.empty()), offPractical: StateFlow<PagingData<SyllabusUIModel>> = MutableStateFlow(PagingData.empty()), holiday: List<Holiday> = emptyList(), events: StateFlow<List<EventModel>> = MutableStateFlow(emptyList()))


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val events: StateFlow<List<EventModel>>
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val sem: String