Package-level declarations


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interface AttendanceDao
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data class AttendanceModel(val subject: String, val total: Int = 0, val present: Int = 0, val teacher: String? = null, val fromSyllabus: Boolean? = false, val isArchive: Boolean? = false, val fromOnlineSyllabus: Boolean? = false, val days: Days = Days(), val stack: Deque<AttendanceSave> = ArrayDeque(), val created: Long? = System.currentTimeMillis(), var id: Int = 0) : Parcelable, Serializable
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data class AttendanceSave(val total: Int, val present: Int, val days: Days) : Parcelable, Serializable
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data class Days(val presetDays: ArrayList<Long> = ArrayList(), val absentDays: ArrayList<Long> = ArrayList(), val totalDays: ArrayList<IsPresent> = ArrayList()) : Parcelable, Serializable
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data class IsPresent(val day: Long, var isPresent: Boolean, var totalClasses: Int? = null) : Parcelable, Serializable
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data class Sort(val sortBy: SortBy = SortBy.SUBJECT, val sortOrder: SortOrder = SortOrder.ASC) : Parcelable

Wrapper class for SortBy and SortOrder

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enum SortBy : Enum<SortBy>

Model class for sortBy in Attendance Members SUBJECT, CREATED, TOTAL, PRESENT, PERCENTAGE

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Model class for sortOrder in Attendance Members ASC, DESC

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