
data class AttendanceModel(val subject: String, val total: Int = 0, val present: Int = 0, val teacher: String? = null, val fromSyllabus: Boolean? = false, val isArchive: Boolean? = false, val fromOnlineSyllabus: Boolean? = false, val days: Days = Days(), val stack: Deque<AttendanceSave> = ArrayDeque(), val created: Long? = System.currentTimeMillis(), var id: Int = 0) : Parcelable, Serializable


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constructor(subject: String, total: Int = 0, present: Int = 0, teacher: String? = null, fromSyllabus: Boolean? = false, isArchive: Boolean? = false, fromOnlineSyllabus: Boolean? = false, days: Days = Days(), stack: Deque<AttendanceSave> = ArrayDeque(), created: Long? = System.currentTimeMillis(), id: Int = 0)


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val days: Days
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val fromSyllabus: Boolean? = false
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var id: Int
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val isArchive: Boolean? = false
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val present: Int = 0
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val teacher: String? = null
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val total: Int = 0


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abstract fun describeContents(): Int
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abstract fun writeToParcel(p0: Parcel, p1: Int)