
interface SyllabusDao


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abstract suspend fun deleteAll()

Delete all the data from the table

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abstract suspend fun deleteNetwork(syllabus: SyllabusModel)

Delete All Network Entities

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abstract suspend fun getSyllabus(subject: String): SyllabusModel?

Get syllabus by their name

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abstract fun getSyllabusAsCourse(course: String): Flow<List<SyllabusModel>>
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abstract suspend fun getSyllabusCount(): Int
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abstract suspend fun getSyllabusDeepLink(query: String): SyllabusModel?
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abstract suspend fun getSyllabusEdit(query: String): List<SyllabusModel>

Get Syllabus for edit

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abstract fun getSyllabusHome(query: String, type: String): Flow<List<SyllabusModel>>

Get Syllabus for Home

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abstract suspend fun getSyllabusHomeList(query: String, type: String): List<SyllabusModel>
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Get syllabus for search

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abstract suspend fun getSyllabusSearchSync(query: String, type: String): List<SyllabusModel>
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Get Syllabus for Syllabus section.

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abstract suspend fun getSyllabusTypeList(query: String, type: String): List<SyllabusModel>
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abstract suspend fun insert(syllabusModel: SyllabusModel)

Inset all called for only ones

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abstract suspend fun insertAll(syllabus: List<SyllabusModel>)

Insert all the syllabus at ones

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abstract suspend fun reset(openCode: String)

Reset Settings

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abstract suspend fun resetAll()
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abstract suspend fun updateIsChecked()
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abstract suspend fun updateSyllabus(syllabus: SyllabusModel)

Update syllabus

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abstract suspend fun updateSyllabusAddedInAttendance()
abstract suspend fun updateSyllabusAddedInAttendance(attendance: String, isAdded: Int)